Cooperation and International Networks

In order to carry out research and transfer activities successfully, the ZLV uses strategically sound and resilient regional and international networks. Since 2014, the ZLV has been continuously developing the Emerging Concepts of Logistics network (ECoL). ECoL is a comprehensive research concept that is of fundamental strat­egic importance for guiding the ZLV’s inter­national and national research activities. These are fields of research in which logistics can develop solutions in cooperation with neighbouring scientific fields and thereby scientifically expand itself. Partner countries include Egypt, Armenia, China, Great Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and the USA.

On a regional level, the exchange between science and practice will be bundled in DIALOGistik Duisburg e.V. (see Transfer) and in the future be thematically expanded with the CONUS (Competence Net Urban-Industrial Supply System) competence and innovation network (see Research, Outlook). In addition, the ZLV is also responsible for the “Mobility and Logistics” main research area within the Ruhr Metropolitan Research Competence Area (KoMet) and is strongly involved in the “Resilient Infrastructures” research area coordinated by the JUS.