Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA e.V.)


The ongoing discussions on climate change, scarcity of resources and energy efficiency mean that IUTA is in a very good position with its research interests. There are promising projects underway in all its fields and many more interesting project ideas in the research pipeline.

IUTA is not only equipped for the future in terms of expertise and research interests but also organization. In order to give a voice to the independent research institutions that do not belong to a larger research community, the State of NRW and 15 independent research institutes set up a research association under the name of the Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft (JRF). IUTA plays a very significant role in this new undertaking and is the institute of its founding chairman. In addition to benefiting from the representation of shared interests, greater cooperation with other JRF Institutes (including Wuppertal Institute, DIE German Development Institute and ILS Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development) and increased public awareness of the member institutes through joint public relations activities are seen as a major opportunity for IUTA