Kopfgrafik Nano


Despite the highly promising properties of nanomaterials and nanostructures and despite the evidence of function being delivered by the research laboratories, these principles have not yet found their way into large-scale technical use. On the one hand, this is because nanomaterials are not available in sufficient quantities. On the other hand, some essential process steps have not yet been solved on the technical scale. As a result, one of the main priorities at CeNIDE is to ensure that gaps previously found in the value chain are plugged and that, via the creation of a new technology platform, for example, the results are made accessible to manufacturers and, ultimately, to consumers in particular and the economy as a whole.

As a pivotal scientific facility, CeNIDE bundles all the various activities relating to the subject area of nanotechnology. In addition to the optimisation internal communications and the efficient design of project operations in the scientific section, the University’s Nano-Centre also functions as a port of call for regional and national industrial firms wishing either (a) to improve their products on the basis of nanotechnological methods and materials or (b) develop and produce completely new applications. Thanks to the opening of an office on the Duisburg campus in 2006, conditions have been created whereby all queries relating to project-related consultation and / or relating to technology and knowledge transfer can be dealt with swiftly, without complications and on a solutions-oriented basis. Two points also worth mentioning here are the availability of method and equipment pools for use by external research teams and the development of cooperative ventures.