
Scientific Policy Advice and Public Relations

Several members of the academic staff of INEF sit on high-ranking advisory bodies. For example, Prof. Tobias Debiel is a member of the “Advisory Council on the United Nations” and the “Council on Civilian Conflict Prevention” of the German Foreign Ministry. Another example of foreign policy consulting carried out  by INEF staff members is Dr. Jochen Hippler’s consulting work for the Institute of Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) and the German Foreign Ministry on issues of cultural policy and the dialogue between Western and Muslim societies.

The Institute’s website, which is provided in both German and English, is an important public relations tool. To present the results of its research to a wider public, INEF publishes working papers which are available in print and are also disseminated nationally and internationally via mailing lists. The INEF Reports is a series concentrated on major findings emerging from the Institute’s ongoing research projects as well as from studies relating to academic and policy debates. This series is mainly addressed to the research community and students of international relations. The INEF Policy Briefs, however, aim to reach out to policy-makers interested in relevant scholarly results. Therefore, they take up important current events and research issues in a concise manner and discuss a wide range of policy options and recommendations.