
Zentrale Publikationen

  • Feldhoff, T. (2005): Bau-Lobbyismus in Japan: Institutionelle Grundlagen – Akteursnetzwerke – Raumwirksamkeit, Dortmund (Dortmunder Vertrieb für Bau- und Planungsliteratur).
  • Flüchter, W. (2007): Georisikoraum Japan: Physiogene Verwundbarkeit und präventiver Katastrophenschutz. In Glaser, Rüdiger und Klaus Kremb (Hrsg.): Planet Erde: Asien. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 239-251.
  • Heberer, T., A. D. Senz (2007): China’s Significance in International Politics. Domestic and External Developments and Action Potentials, German Development Institute, Bonn.
  • Heberer, T. (2007): Doing Business in Rural China: Liangshan’s New Ethnic Entrepreneurs, Seattle, London:  University of Washington Press.
  • Heinrich, P. (2007): Debate on English as an Official Language in Japan. In Coulmas, F. (ed.): Language Regimes in Transformation. Future Prospects for German and Japanese in Science, Economy and Politics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 115-139.
  • Imai, J. (2007): The Transformation of Effort Bargain: the Impacts of the Introduction of the Discretionary Work System and the Results-oriented Labor Management System. Annual Review of Labor Sociology 17.
  • Pascha, W. (2007): The Role of Regional Financial Arrangements and Monetary Integration in East Asia and Europe in Relations with the US. The Pacific Review.
  • Schneider, H. (2005): Zur Ökonomie innerstaatlicher Konflikte. Der Regionalkonflikt im Süden der Philippinen. In Waibel, M., W. Kreisel (eds.): The Pacific Challenge. Development Trends in the 21st Century. Göttingen, 115-136.
  • Shire, K. (2007): Gender and the Conceptionalization of the Knowledge Economy in Comparision. In Walby, S. et al. (eds.): Gendering the Knowledge Economy, Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 51-77.
  • Taube, M. (2008): Principles of Property Rights Evolution in China‘s Rural Industry. In Heberer, T., G. Schubert (Hrsg.): Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China: Institutional Change and Stability. London, New York: Routledge.