
Prof. Hans E. Fischer (physics didactics), Prof. Detlev Leutner (teaching-learning psychology) and Prof. Elke Sumfleth (chemistry didactics) were jointly awarded the “Prize for the Promotion of the Interdisciplinarity of Educational Research” from the Society for Empirical Educational Research.

Dr. Sebastian Habig was the overall winner of the competition “Successful VR/AR Learning Scenarios – AVRiL 2019” of the Stifterverband and the E-Learning and VR/AR sections of the Gesellschaft für Informatik. He was awarded the main prize for his project “Augmented Reality Chemistry – The promotion of internal model representation in organic chemistry through augmented reality”.

The following were awarded internal university prizes:

Dr. Carolin Eitemüller and Dr. Sebastian Habig, 2019 Diversity Engagement Prize

Dr. Dorothee Gronostay, 2019 University Prize for outstanding academic achievements for doctoral studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences

Dr. Marcel Klinger, 2018 University Prize for outstanding academic achievements for doctoral studies in the Faculty of Mathematics

Dr. Christina Krause, 2018 Diversity Research Prize

Prof. Dr. Rolf Parr, 2018 Diversity Research Prize

Helena Sträter and Dr. Mirko Krüger, 2018 Diversity Teaching Prize