Awards and Distinctions

From October 2016 to October 2018, Prof. Karen Shire is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Institute of Global Leadership, Ochanomizu University, Japan. As a member of the Expert Commission Prof. Ute Klammer co-authored the expert opinion for the Second Gender Equality Report “Erwerbs- und Fürsorgearbeit gemeinsam neu gestalten” (Towards a joint new design of paid work and (unpaid) care work) (2017). In 2016, Prof. Dr. Patricia Plummer conducted research under a Joint Visiting Research Fellowship at the Gender Institute and Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia (research interest: “Challenging Authority? Gender, Identity and Power in Contemporary Popular Culture”; “Women, Art and Theosophy: Louisa Le Freimann (1863– 1956)”). In 2016 she received funding under the “Lehre Divers” scholarship programme of the University of Duisburg-Essen’s Center for Higher Education Development and Quality Enhancement (ZHQE) for the design of new, diversitysensitive teaching projects, and in 2017 through the “Lehre Konkret” programme (“Postcolonial Digital” project). Prof. Sven Benson was named “Best Lecturer” in the summer of 2017.