
Awards and Distinctions

  • Prof. Andreas Ney received the Gottschalk-­Diederich-Baedeker Prize in 2012 for his ­habilitation thesis.
  • Dr. Gabi Schierning’s team won the Inno­Materia Award 2012 for the development of a thermoelectric generator based on nanosilicon.
  • Prof. Ferdi Schüth was awarded the Wilhelm-Klemm Prize of the GDCh (2012) and the Chemical Engineering Medal of ETH Zürich (2013).
  • Prof. Stephan Barcikowski was nominated for the Berthold Leibinger Innovation Award in 2012 and in the same year won the teaching award of the Faculty of Chemistry.
  • A Max Buchner bursary was awarded to Dr. Philipp Wagener for his investigation of nickel-based nanoparticles.
  • Dr. Ekaterina Nannen received the Engineering Innovation Award of the Sparkasse am Niederrhein.
  • The Dale Sayers Young Scientist Award of the International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS) went to Dr. Carolin Schmitz-Antoniak, who also secured a Helmholtz Young ­Investigators Group at the Forschungszentrum Jülich.